Publishing Assistance
We offer help in all aspects of self-publishing or on-demand publishing including copy editing and content.
With this latest method of publishing, you can reach an audience right away instead of waiting years for a conventional publisher to accept your manuscript.
Editing Services
Although we are experienced in all types of editing, we specialize in “line-by-line” editing to ensure that a book’s content is consistent, word choice is correct, and content is both concise and engaging.
Typical projects include editing non-fiction books, creative fiction, artists’ mission statements, artists or museum catalogs, and CD liner notes.
Educational Services
Catherine Quillman has written several walking tour booklets of historic landmarks in her hometown of West Chester. She offers low-priced walking tours for parties of 5 or more. Her tours focus on architecture and the Civil War era of historic West Chester.
She has also given continuing education classes about the Underground Railroad in Kennett Square. Examples of her illustrated Powerpoint lectures include “Indian Hannah, the last of her race,” and the “Story of Milford Mills and the creation of Marsh Creek State Park.”

On-demand books come in all sizes and styles
The page sample shown here is from “Walking the Uptown” (see Home page). The on-demand book includes illustrations and photos and is published as a 6 x 6 paperback.
Our services include working with you to discuss your book concept to determining the size and style of your book.