Battlefield Preservation Plan For the past two years, I have been keeping up with the latest findings of the Brandywine Battlefield Task Force (part of the Chester County Planning Commission) to discover what is essentially Gen. Washington’s footsteps in 1777. The following is a page from the planning commission’s web page to explain their intent. I have used this research to create a soon-to-be-released history titled “The American Revolution in the Brandywine Valley.”
Historic Resources
Publications. Read more about the Task Force here:
Brandywine Battlefield Preservation Plan
The plan presents recommendations on how to better preserve the battlefield’s open spaces and historic landscapes. Over 200 historic resources are inventoried within the Brandywine Battlefield including buildings, meetinghouses, fords, and landscapes that were the location of combat and of battle-related events. The plan is presented in two documents below: the main report and a map atlas.
This project was funded through a National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program grant

A “working” cover for a book slated to be released in spring of 2020 by Schiffer Publishing